Discovering your Purpose

3 ways to Re-Create Yourself, so you can Thrive

“God will still sing to you and call you by name into greater being and fullness of life. It will feel like longing.” -Lisa Delay

Many people tend to want to take the path of least resistance. Mediocrity is chosen over excellence. Some really live out “Ignorance is Bliss.” But I would disagree that this is true bliss. 

I’ve always thought I would be in a position one day where I was doing what I love, and serving others through it. However, on the way there, my life choices (in my teens and early 20’s) threw me off the track. It’s almost as if I took the scenic route on the way to my dreams. 

Through those years I was still serving others, but I wasn't living out my values, or being my “best self”. I had picked up bad habits while I looked towards others to validate my own worth-I looked to them for self-acceptance, based on what they thought about me. 

I was looking for truth and answers in many different areas for years. It wasn’t until I was 27, in 2016, when I chose to have a relationship with God again, that things started becoming clear again. 

I remember sitting at church and hearing the altar call. It’s like every emotion built up inside me, all at once, and I broke down crying, almost falling to my knees.I felt God calling me back- it was very clear, and it broke my heart that I had left his guidance in the first place. 

It was at that point that I started a true healing journey, back to myself. It was only through true surrender to God to Chang eke from the inside out, that things started to change.

It took years of recovery work to get to the point where I could create myself again. It took vulnerability, reflective work, and determination in the moment to choose healthy choices over bad ones.  

Then over time, my brain re-wired itself with new patterns and I learned to get out of my isolation and into inspiring communities that are thriving together. (Thank God for neuroplasticity!)

I could have let my past define me and came to the conclusion that I am not worthy of anything good so I shouldn’t even try. I could have let my past define me and believed all the lies. 

3 Ways to Re-Create yourself

You don't have to let your past define you. You have the power to re-write it and change your perspective. Limiting belief systems (BS!) that have been formed only hold you back. How have they served you? There’s a reason they are there,and once you identify that- you can release them and realize it doesn’t serve you anymore. We have the free will to choose what defines us and what our perspective is on life. 

1)Let go, but also look back and reflect

Self-Discovery is essential to discovering your dream. You can let go of the past, but you can also look back and ask yourself these questions:

What came naturally for me? 

How did I love to spend my time? 

What did others notice I was good at? (You could ask your friends and family)

I wouldn’t say that it’s all about “finding your Passion” because becoming passionate about something first starts with the decision that you want to practice it. Then, over time, as your skills develop, you can build a solid foundation of understanding- that’s where you find your flow and great ideas emerge. 

2)Take risks- decide and dive in

You have to embrace the power of taking small risks as you strive for this new life that you envision. Your beliefs determine who you are, and affect every aspect of your life- from what people think of you to how they treat you, and how you see yourself and interact with others.

You can choose to abandon your old identity and become who you want to be. We have the free will to do that.

This process not only takes time and patience, its also a path in which you will never fully “arrive”. It’s more like a journey of small steps towards becoming a truer version of yourself. It’s so worth it though. Not only does living a life of purpose make for a more enriching life, this is where you can have the most impact on others and opportunities will flow to you. When you develop your God given gifts, you won’t even feel like you're working. 

Sure, it takes focus and determination. There are a lot of distractions around, but once you develop a system such as planning a healthy morning and night routine, and also make a plan for everything in between, you won’t have to be tossed around by obligations and to-do’s. You can create your schedule with intention. 

3) Invest in your learning

Finally, Don’t hesitate to invest in yourself and continue to build who you are and what you’ve done. Life is an ongoing process and it takes intentional time to develop, especially if you have a big vision like me. Challenges that may come up on this journey of discovery are far less scary than the pain of not taking a chance on yourself. Start where you are, and take the journey of growth and reflection towards what you really want. There are so many communities out there in every category- and in those communities there are people who can support you in your growth. You can learn from each other and get inspired. 

Reinventing allows one to do better work than before, and be the best at it. You have to be willing to keep going, even when the road is rough. Also, it’s okay to take small steps-this simple act will lead to achieving things that may now seem unachievable. It will help you not only to start, but to also see projects through to their completion. 

It’s not too late

It’s not too late to become the person you wish to be. In order to set new rules, you have to break the old ones. When you revisit your limiting beliefs, you can write the opposite and turn it into an empowering belief that will propel you forward into a life of purpose where you are following your interests and intentionally developing your passions. 


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